
Tiger Meet

With tickets for the Spottersday on Friday in the pocket, Robert and I headed to the north of Germany to hunt some Tigers. The list of participants was promising, the weather forecast not all that bad but somehow I was not that anxious to go this time. 

However, on Thurday we cycled to the base and spend a nice day in reasonable weather and saw a lot of action. Both take off and landing provided with some great photo opportunities and in the afternoon we moved to the other side of the base where we could take some great shots at the end of the runway.

On Friday we arrived at the gate for the Spottersday early when I discovered that my bag was leaking. Apparently the can of cola got punctured during the ride and about half the can had run down my camera and lens. What a horrible way to start the day!

But somehow it matched with the feeling I had for a few weeks already, I was not particularly looking forward to the trip like before. That feeling grew with the minute, I started to get annoyed by the egoistic spotters who were all trying to get the best spot, parked stepladders close to the fence and kept pushing forward not even caring that a spot had been taken and some even stepped on/ kicked against camera bags. And when my camera finally gave up it felt as if this was it for me as well. With the new job the urge to go airplane spotting seems to have decreased a lot. So perhaps it is an end of an era (and perhaps not).

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