2024 · 06. June 2024
Tiger Meet
Two days, off and on field at Schleswig-Jagel.
2023 · 06. October 2023
Frisian Flag 2023
Grey weather, grey planes but on base!
2023 · 08. September 2023
Belgian Air Force Days 2023
Hot, hot, hot! And not only because of the weather.
2023 · 17. July 2023
German CH-53
Finally a hit-and-run at Eindhoven again.
2023 · 14. June 2023
Air Defender 2023
3 days in Northern Germany to witness a massive exercise.
2022 · 17. September 2022
Falcon Leap 2022
Weekend and decent weather: happy me!
2022 · 10. September 2022
KB Spottersday
A disappointing day.
2022 · 30. March 2022
Frisian Flag
After 2 years it was finally Frisian Flag again, with a nice variety of aircraft!
2022 · 23. February 2022
Army Air Corps at Eindhoven
4 Apaches, 2 Chinooks and a lucky gap in my work schedule.
2021 · 25. October 2021
Adieu KDC-10
A grey and cold October Monday morning, characteristic conditions for a farewell.

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